

Happy Summer and Happy Aaron Kelly Day

For many of us this has been the last official day of school. Even if you haven't finished school yet, let us here at Winx 4 Life be the first to wish you all a happy summer! If your going away on vacation or hanging around home, be safe and have fun!

On a non Winx note. Today there is also another reason to celebrate. For many of us who have watched the popular show American Idol. Know of the youngest contestant Aaron Kelly. A 17 year old from a small town in PA. Aaron rocked the house, but only made it to the final 5 :( But his story has inspired many. And because of that the House of PA decided to honor him with a day in his honor. So be like Aaron Kelly and always believe in yourself and your dreams!
And thank you Aaron, you have inspired so many people. Everyone is proud of you! I can't wait to hear more from you in the future! Best of luck!
So happy summer and Aaron Kelly day. From everyone here at Winx 4 Life


  1. I'm sadly not getting out of school yet:( But i will at the end of june or at the very begining of july

  2. Yeah!

    Stellabigfan(not signed in((im to lazy to sign in)) )
