Well,if you didn't already start or already started,this is to a great & smart year for all of us.Lets hope we have a safe and Winx filled one too!We can help each other out when needed also.What grade are you going into?Anyone home-schooled?P.S. isn't this pic adorable?
8th grade!
Happy new school year to all! It's going to be a great year! Maybe we can talk to the Winx and ask them if they can share some of their back to school tips!
7th grade And I started last week.
wow, I feel old now...........
I feel that I haven't grown yet. I remember I was in 1st Grade when I first watched Winx.
I'm skipping a grade!
Wow Really! What grade?
That's great stellabigfan!
No way!What grade???And how are we on youtube?I can't find anything there:(
6th grade. One of my basketball teammates is home schooled. Lucky....
Oh yeah, It's Icy Evil. I changed my name. Freraline is the nickname my friends gave me. It has no relation to my real name.
Yeah, homeschooling is nice
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